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  • a - Essential Oils | 100% Pure Plant Oils - Therapeutic Grade A-F


    Wide variety of 100% pure, therapeutic grade essential oils .

    After Searching for the best affordable oils to use in my skin care I am able to share these with you.

    I have been using these oils for 15 years.

    These oils are poured/blended in my small farm store located near Kingston Ontario

    For More Essential Oils Click Here

    Certain essential oils have powerful anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

    This makes them a highly effective natural method to healing skin irritations of all kinds.

    When applied topically to the skin, these essential oils quickly get absorbed into the deeper l

    levels of skin tissue and promote healing. Essential Oils are concentrated essences from plants,

    and should always be diluted before application to the skin to avoid irritation.

    We do not promote or encourage the use of any types of

    Essential Oils internally but more for their aromatic and topical benefits.

    Ensure that you are aware of the contraindications of the oils that you are using

    and consult with your doctor or a certified aromatherapist if you have health concerns or questions.